Sophomore Science Fair Projects Wreak Havoc on Procrastinating Students

A science fair project poster explains whether Powerade is a true recovery aid. (Photo By Ben Davidson)

(COVINGTON, La.) St. Paul’s students in Honors Biology have been working all semester to complete their papers and display boards for the challenging science fair, which was due Nov. 1, a challenge that left many students feeling overwhelmed.

“It’s been super difficult to keep up, and I can no longer feel my hands,” sophomore Scott Manifold said. “Also, I haven’t gotten more than four hours of sleep in the past week.” 

SPS honors science students are required to participate in the annual science fair, and for sophomores in Honors Biology, this has been no easy feat. Honors Biology teacher Brad Bessetti must approve a student’s topic, and his high standards do not make that an easy task.

“The project is a way for students to think creatively. I encourage students to pick a topic that they are personally interested in,” Mr. Bessetti said.

The project requires students to write a three-page research paper, have a materials and procedure list, a page dedicated to observations and a two-page conclusion. The specific requirements for each leg of the paper have punished students who procrastinated until the last minute.  

“The main thing I have learned from this project, aside from my experiment, is not to procrastinate. Procrastination is the absolute worse thing you do,” said an anonymous sophomore as he hurriedly assembled his project on his way to biology class.

Projects range from experiments testing the oxygen produced by plants, to experiments trying to grow antibiotic bacteria. However, one thing that all of the projects have in common is the trademark of hard work. Every project requires hours of research and experimental design, followed by the tedious work of assembling and presenting a board detailing the whole project.

Students with the best projects are encouraged to enter into the regional science fair where they will be graded by a panel of judges. The winners of that competition will go to the state science fair. If the student wins there, they will be nominated to compete at the national level.

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